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Code Your Future

About Raqmy

RaQmy is powered by EagleOwl Technology

RaQmy is not just an educational institution; it serves as a driving force for professional development. Built on the values of innovation, integrity, and inclusivity, RaQmy has become a companion for individuals aiming to improve their abilities and progress in their careers. With a team consisting of industry experts and educators, RaQmy delivers high-quality, practical learning experiences designed to bridge the gap between education and employment. Additionally, we provide internships for high achievers after you graduate from the course, offering valuable hands-on experience to further enhance your career prospects to code your future.

RaQmy Courses

Course Content:
  • Introduction to UI/UX Design
  • UX Research
  • UI Design Basics
  • Usability Study (Usability Testing)
  • Design Systems
  • Building Mockups
  • High-Fidelity Prototyping
  • Basics of Responsiveness
  • Building Your Portfolio and Case Studies
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Course Content:
  • Introduction to data science.
  • Data science and analytics phases.
  • Python programming fundamentals.
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Mat plot
  • Kaggle
  • Git & Github
  • Introduction to Machine learning.
  • Mathematics concepts and statistics .
  • Regression.
  • Classification.
  • Clustering.
  • Reinforcement Learning and GPT.
Course Content:
  • Structure of web pages, elements, and tags.
  • HTML syntax and elements practice.
  • CSS purpose, syntax, and properties.
  • Styling web pages.
  • JavaScript: variables, data types, operators, and control flow.
  • JavaScript: functions, scope, closures, objects, and arrays.
  • Dynamic content and style updates with JavaScript.
Course Content:
  • Introduction to Software Testing.
  • Types of Software Testing.
  • Test Design Techniques.
  • Test Management.
  • Software Testing Tools.
Course Content:
  • Introduction to data analysis.
  • Data science and analytics phases.
  • SQL with Microsoft SQL server.
  • Python programming fundamentals.
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Mat plot
  • Kaggle
  • Git & Github


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Message of the chairman

Eng. Ahmed Hossam


Welcome to your RaQmy, where innovation meets education.

As CEO, I'm proud to lead a team dedicated to empowering the next generation of technology leaders.

Whether you're an undergraduate student or a fresh graduate, our courses are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the fast-paced world of technology.

We believe in fostering a learning environment that not only teaches but also inspires, helping you to unlock your full potential and achieve your career aspirations.